Kai Kaljo
Video jomā darbojas kopš 1997.gada un ir viena no pazīstamākjām video māksliniecēm Igaunijā. Studējusi klasisko mūziku Speciālā novirziena ģimnāzijā. Pirms gleznošanas studijām Tallinas Mākslas Universitātē strādāja par scenogrāfu jaunatnes teātrī. Pēc universitātes pabeigšanas 1990 gadā pieteicās "postgraduate" studijām Swedish Royal Academy, kuras uzsāka 1992. Darbi izstādīti visā pasaulē, pamatā Eiropā vairākos video festivālos. Piešķirtas stipendijas programmās "ArtsLink Fellowship" un "Independent Project" rezidentūrai ASV, kā arī vairākas citas starptautiskas balvas un rezidentūras.
2009 "Ūdensgabali/Waterpieces ‘09", NOASS, Rīga (LV);
2008 "World One Minutes", Today Art Museum, Pekina (CHN), China Border State Art Museum of the Art Academy Guangzhou, China Freedom Square. Art Hall, Tallina (EST);
2007 "Nightcomers", 10th Istanbul Biennial (TUR);
2007 "Ūdensgabali/Waterpieces ‘07", NOASS, Rīga, Latvija (LV);
2007 "Environment Archaelogy", Retretti art center, (FIN);
2007 "In the Presence of the Body", Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (USA);
2007 "WRO-07", Media Biennale, Wroclaw (PL);
2007 "Reel to Real - Sexual Semiotics", Künstlerhaus Mousonturn, Frankfurte (DE);
2007 "Rencontres Internationales", Circulo des Bellas Artes, Madrid (ESP), Babylon-Mitte, Berlīne (DE)
2007 "Digital Space", Showroom Cinema, Scheffield (UK);
2007 "Depiction, Perversion, Repulsion, Obsession, Subversion" program by Witte de With at the Rotterdam International Film Festival (NL);
2007 "Normal Love", Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlīne (DE);
2007 "Overbeck Gesellschaft", personālizstāde, Lībeka (DE);
2007 Dubrovnik, personālizstāde (Dienvidslāvija);
2007 OTOK Gallery, personālizstāde, Dubrovnik, (HRV);
2006 - 2007 "Collected Crises, Estonian Art in the 1990’s", KUMU Art Museum, Tallina (EST);
2006 "Kai Kaljo", personālizstāde, Anthony Reynolds Gallery, Londona (UK);
2006 "Improvistation", Tallinn Art Hall (EST);
2006 "Body and Soul", FRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Marseļa (FR);
2006 "Sexy Mythos", NGBK Berlīne (DE);
2005 "Kai Kaljo", solo exhibition, Kunstihoone, Tallina (EST);
2005 "Double Act (with Jan Svenungsson)", solo exhitbition, Hobusepea Gallery, Tallina (EST);
2005 "Nightcomers", 10th Istanbul Biennial (TUR);
2005 "Ūdensgabali/Waterpieces ‘05", NOASS, Rīga (LV);
2005 "Environment Archaelogy", Retretti art center (FR);
2005 "In the Presence of the Body", Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (USA);
2005 "Reel to Real - Sexual Semiotics", Künstlerhaus Mousonturn, Frankfurte (DE);
2005 Rencontres Internationales, Circulo des Bellas Artes, Madrid (SP); Babylon-Mitte, Berlīne (DE);
2005 Digital Space, Showroom Cinema, Scheffield (UK);
2005 "Depiction, Perversion, Repulsion, Obsession, Subversion" program by Witte de With at the Rotterdam International Film Festival (NL);
2005 "Normal Love", Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlīne (DE);
2005 "Video Lounge", Art Basel Miami Beach, Florida (US);
2005 Model “Missed Opportunities”, Brandenburgischer Kunsverein, Potsdam (DE);
2005 Rencontres Internationales Paris-Berlin, Paris (FR), Berlīne (DE);
2005 "Brief Encounters", International Short Film Festival, Bristole (UK);
2005 "The New (In-)Security", Badisher Kunstverein, Karlsruhe (DE);
2005 "prog:ME", Festival of Electronic Media, Rio de Janeiro (BRA);
2005 Art Basel (CH);
2005 26th Biennial of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana (SI);
2005 "Women’s Dialogue", Center for Contemporary Experimental Art, Jerevana (ARM);
2004 "Instant Europe", Villa Manin – Centro d’Arte Contemporanea, Udine (IT);
2004 "BLICK 2004", Moderna Museet, Stokholma (SE);
2004 Rencontres Internationales Paris-Berlin (FR), (DE);
2004 "La mossa delle idee", Alfieri Atelier, Firenze (IT);
2004 "Sometime", Anthony Reynolds Gallery, Londona (UK);
2004 "Flipside Artists" Space, Ņujorka (US);
2004 "EU Positive", Academy of Arts, Berlīne (DE);
2004 "Viinistu 2004 International Live Arts project";
2004 "Welcome", Anthony Reynolds Gallery, Londona (UK);
2004 Viinistu (EST);
2004 "Do the Wrong Thing", The Centre for Art Tapes, Halifax (CA);
2004 "Breakthrough", Grote Kerk den Haag, Hāga (NL);
2004 "New Video, New Europe", ( Jan.2004) Chicago (US). Travels to: The Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis (US); TATE Modern (screenings 9.-10 and 16.-17.10) (UK);
2003 "World Wide Video Festival", Amsterdam (special programme of Kai Kaljo's works). Salzburger Kunstverein, (AT);
2003 "21 Minutes.Art", Moscow 7th International Art Fair (RUS);
2003 "Greetings From La Jolla", Knollgalerie, Vīne (AT);
2003 "A Loser", Sprengel Museum, Hanovera (DE);
2003 "Halfway to Venice", HDLU Gallery, Zagreba (HR);
2002 "Breath", Ludwigsmuseum, Budapešta (HU);
2002 "Transvisit", Masnedo Fort (DK);
2002 "Oh, it's a Curator!", Rotor Association for Contemporary Art, Grāca (AT);
2002 "Different/Diverse", Teatro della Fondamente Nuovi, Venice (IT); Grunt, Vestern Front Galeries, Vankūvera (CA);
2001 "Instant Video", Manosque (FR);
2001 "World Wide Video Festival", Amsterdama (NL);
2001 "Black Cube", Cinema de Balie, Amsterdama (NL);
2001 "Heavenly", Tallinn Art Hall Gallery (EST);
2001 "Videos by Kai Kaljo", SCCA Gallery, Bratislava (SK);
2001 "What do You Read, my Lord?" (with Ly Lestberg), Nuova Icona Gallery, Venēcija (IT);
2000 "Central Station", Milch, Londona (UK);
2000 "World Wide Video Festival", Amsterdama (NL);
2000 "Video N.E.WS", Gotlande (SE);
1999 "World Wide Video Festival", Amsterdama (NL);
1999 "Kai Kaljo", Likovni Salon, Celje, (SI);
1998 "World Wide Video Festival", Amsterdama (NL);