Ilona Brūvere

Ilona Brūvere
Birth country
Birth city
(ŠAHA STĀSTI) - Script, Director (1992)

Film Actors’ Studio and Department of Journalism, University of Latvia

Since 2005 project manegar of Public Relations for Riga Caouncil

Weekly Cultural Program in Latvian Television,
Nominated as the best author-director and producer for Fiction films and Cultural programs in Latvian Television.

Since 1990
works as author, director and editor at Riga State Documentary Film studio and Latvia Public TV, has her own Film production KINOLAT

Member of German Filmmakers’ Union (Bundesvereinigung des Deutschen Films)
1981-1991 as a German author and director cooperates with Hamburg and Hessen Ministry of Culture and TV companies.
Correspondent of the Latvian Radio
Assistant Director at Riga Film Studio
President of the Young Filmmakers’ Club

1986 Hamburg Ministry of Culture prize for the stage adaptation of Margaret Duras’ novel LOVE.
1995 Special prize of Filmmakers Union for the film essay FIGURES.
1997 Programme debut prize at Latvia TV TWINKLING OF AN EYE.
2003 Best Video film-award of the year of Latvia National Television and Radio Council.
2003 Best Culture Programme award of the year and Best self-promotion prize in Television.

Award of the Department of Culture 2010

A member of German film-makers union 1980-1990
A member of Latvian film-makers Union since 1990
A member of Journalists’ Union